Aerista Auctions: Learnings from Week 1

The first week of Aerista Auctions is now behind us, and the first five Cirrus auctions closed on Friday afternoon. In the spirit of continued transparency, we wanted to share some lessons learned, and offer a recap of the first week of activity. Results The results exceeded our expectations: the auctions attracted a large number…

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Introducing Aerista Auctions

Some of you may have seen our post yesterday regarding our view of the Cirrus market during the COVID-19 pandemic. The summary is that while Cirrus transactions are still happening, the market is moving much more slowly than usual as buyers and sellers try to sort out the impact of COVID on asset values, and…

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Aerista COVID-19 Market Perspective

Over the past 3+ weeks, many in the Cirrus community have been understandably concerned (or at least curious) about the effects of this pandemic on the value of their airplanes, and activity in the Cirrus market as a whole. Much like with an airplane accident, early speculation tends to be unfocused and inaccurate, and the…

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